Viora™ V-IPL™

Call (318) 747-2666
  • Bossier City, Louisiana - 4438 Viking Drive, Suite 100 71111
  • Springhill, Louisiana - 1104 Doctors Drive 71075
  • (318) 747-2666 | Bossier City, Louisiana - 4438 Viking Drive, Suite 100
  • (318) 539-5642 | Springhill, Louisiana - 1104 Doctors Drive

Viora™ V-IPL™: our new multi-treatment standard for intense pulsed light treatments offering instant and painless results for so many different skin conditions:

  • Hair Removal: Long-term reduction of unwanted hair for all Fitzpatrick skin types
  • Hyperpigmentations: Even out skin tone
  • Vascular lesions: Make unsightly rosacea, redness, spider veins, and hemangiomas disappear
  • Skin Rejuvenation and Photofacials: Bring new life to dull and aging skin
  • Active Acne Clearance: Clear up your skin for a smooth and healthy appearance  
  • 5 different light wavelengths in one device featuring contact cooling for painless and noninvasive treatments that works on ALL skin types!


What is IPL and how does it work?

Viora™IPL treatment uses unique IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology that offers dramatic results for a wide variety of skin imperfections such as age and sun spots, freckles, birthmarks, acne, and broken capillaries.


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology improves overall skin appearance while treating pigmentation and vascular imperfections. Viora™ technology allows Dr. Mathews to customize your treatment for optimal results based on  your skin type and your desired results. During treatment, pulses of light are used to penetrate the skin tissue to target the imperfection in a controlled manner. Viora™ V-IPL then works with your body's own natural processes to remove the treated tissue while stimulating collagen and new cell growth that help to create a visible improvement in skin tone and overall appearance.



What is the difference between IPL and laser?

People often use the terms ‘IPL’ and ‘laser’ interchangeably, but IPL is a little bit different from a laser. Whereas a laser only produces a single wavelength of light, IPL uses a very bright light in all visible wavelengths in the visible light spectrum.

With our Viora V-IPL device, different filters are applied to filter out the wavelength of light used for a particular treatment. This flexibility allows Dr. Mathews to use IPL to treat a wide range of conditions and concerns.


Is IPL safe?

IPL treatment is noninvasive, nonablative, and is generally associated with successful outcomes. Our Viora™ device utilizes contact cooling for patient safety and comfort.  You will also wear protective goggles and/or specially designed adhesive IPL eye shields during treatment.  Ultrasound gel is also applied to the treatment area to prevent light scatter and provide additional comfort during treatment.  Dr. Mathews will be happy to address any concerns you may have before, during, or after your treatment.



What issues can IPL treat?

  • Hyperpigmentation:  sun damage, age spots, keratoses, freckles, melasma
  • Vascular lesions (on the face, neck, chest,  & hands only):  broken capillaries, small hemangiomas, rosacea, poikiloderma
  • Skin rejuvenation:  plump and stimulate collagen, improve tone and texture, reduce the appearance of pores
  • Mild to moderate acne
  • Hair removal for face and body



How long do IPL results last?

Depending upon the skin concern being treated, improvement can be seen immediately or about a week out of each treatment.  The maximum results will be visible 3-5 months out if you do a series of treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

How well the patient maintains recommended aftercare (sun exposure, products used at home, lifestyle, etc.), are major factors in how long results may last; therefore, there is no one answer. To maintain hair reduction results, some people may need annual or bi-annual touch-ups after completing a package.


How painful is IPL?

Unfortunately, everyone’s discomfort threshold is different, so there is no one answer! But most people report that the sensation felt during an IPL treatment is that of heat and is comparable to a rubber band being snapped on the skin's surface.


Can I use numbing cream before my treatment?

You may use a mild topical anesthetic if necessary to manage discomfort for IPL treatments EXCEPT for vascular lesions.  Why?  Topical anesthetics are vasoconstricting, meaning that they narrow the blood vessels.  If the target (in this instance, blood) is not visible, the IPL has no target; therefore, the treatment will be ineffective.

During your consultation, Dr. Mathews will do a test spot so you can get a feeling of what the treatment entails.  This is especially important for our Fitzpatrick skin type patients IV-VI and will need 24-48 hours to evaluate before proceeding with treatment. It is preferred that no numbing agent be used during the test so that Dr. Mathews can monitor your response so that area is not overtreated.  Most people do not find the use of a numbing agent necessary.



How often should IPL be done?

For patients to get the best IPL results, it is generally recommended that patients receive, on average, 4-6 treatments scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. Certain treatments can fall outside of this timeline and Dr/ Mathews will inform you to the timeline for your individual course of treatment.


How much does an IPL treatment cost?

The cost depends on the type of condition you're having treated and the size of the treatment area. Our IPL treatment packages range from $340 to $3000.


Why can’t I do just one treatment?

Every IPL treatment builds upon the previous one, allowing the skin to react gradually.  For the best results, a series is needed to treat the skin or hair at its various stages of cellular regeneration and growth.


Do I really need a consultation? How will I know if I’m a good candidate for IPL?

Yes!  During your consultation, Dr. Mathews will perform a thorough assessment to determine if you are a good candidate for IPL.  She will ask you about your ethnic background, lifestyle, medical history, and a number of other diagnostic questions.  Answering all questions honestly during the consultation process is of paramount importance to ensure your safety. Photos will also be taken to monitor your progress. While IPL is very safe, some people may not be viable candidates for treatment.  While we understand how exciting it is to finally be able to treat your skin concerns, we want you to get the best results possible while maintaining the integrity of your skin!



Who shouldn’t get an IPL treatment?

Speak to your doctor if you:
  • Are pregnant
  • Have a skin condition
  • Take medication for other conditions


You may not be a good candidate for IPL if you:

  • Are sensitive to light
  • Have recently tanned your skin using sunlight, tanning beds, or tanning creams
  • Might have skin cancer
  • Use a retinoid cream
  • Are very dark-skinned
  • Have a skin resurfacing disorder
  • Have severe scarring
  • Have keloid scar tissue


On the day of your appointment, avoid using perfume, makeup, and scented products that can irritate your skin.  Always consult your physician if you have any questions or concerns.



What do I need to do after my IPL treatment?

Regardless of the area or concern being treated, aftercare will include:


  • If needed, cooling the treatment area with cold (not frozen) packs is recommended to reduce swelling and ease discomfort.
  • Do not partake in hot baths, vigorous exercise, massage, etc., for the next 5 days, until the skin returns to its normal state.
  • Wearing SPF 30-50 in between treatments.
  • Avoid sun exposure to the treatment area so as not to promote side effects. Absolutely no tanning for the next 14 days after your treatment (this includes the use of self-tanning lotions/creams and spray tans).
  • Stay hydrated during your entire course of treatment.
  • Alert Dr. Mathews if you begin a course of antibiotics.  Antibiotics (most, but not all) can be photosensitizing and/or skin-thinning.  You will not receive a treatment if it has not been 7-10 days after your last dose.
  • Alert Dr. Mathews to any medical changes.

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Hair Removal

Vascular Clearance


Skin Rejuvenation

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